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Keeping Your Bernese Mountain Dog Cool This Summer

The Benefits of Having a Trained Bernese Mountain Dog for Senior Citizens

Summer is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors with your Bernese Mountain Dog, but the heat can pose challenges for these gentle giants. Known for their love of play and adventure, it’s essential to understand how to keep your Bernese Mountain Dog cool and recognize the signs of overheating. Here are some helpful tips to ensure you both have a safe and enjoyable summer!

Summer Heat Tips


Just like us, hydration is key for your Bernese Mountain Dog during the hot months. After a session of play, offer them small amounts of water to help cool down and hydrate, but avoid letting them gulp down too much at once. Overdrinking, especially after intense activity, can lead to bloat—a serious condition. Provide a few sips, wait for them to cool down, and then allow **access to water again.

Limit Exercise

When temperatures soar, it’s wise to adjust your exercise routine. Opt for walks or playtime during the cooler early mornings or late evenings. If you’re walking on pavement, use the “hand test”: place your palm down on the surface. If you can’t hold it for more than five seconds, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws. On especially warm days, consider indoor activities like teaching them a new trick, engaging in food puzzles, or providing a good chew toy to keep them entertained.

Frozen Treats

Just like a refreshing popsicle for you, your Bernese Mountain Dog will love a frozen treat to beat the heat. Frozen treats can also provide extra nutrients and enrichment. Here’s a simple recipe for a frozen berry popsicle:

Peanut Butter and Banana Popsicle Ingredients:

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • ½ cup of natural peanut butter (make sure it’s xylitol-free)
  • 1 cup of low-sodium chicken broth or water


  1. In a blender, combine the bananas, peanut butter, and chicken broth or water. Blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the mixture into silicone molds or ice cube trays.
  3. Freeze for at least 4 hours or until solid.
  4. Pop them out and let your dog enjoy a cool, tasty treat!


Regular grooming is essential for keeping your Bernese Mountain Dog comfortable in the heat. By removing excess fur, you help prevent heat from getting trapped in their thick undercoat. Unlike some single-coated breeds, Bernese Mountain Dogs benefit from their undercoat, which helps regulate body temperature. Rather than shaving, focus on regular brushing to manage shedding and keep their coat healthy.

Water Activities

Water activities are a fantastic way to keep your Bernese Mountain Dog cool during hot summer days. Whether it’s a dip in the pool, a splash in the sprinkler, or playing fetch in a lake, water fun is always a hit. Always supervise them, as swimming can tire them out quickly. Consider investing in a doggy life jacket for added safety and comfort.

Signs of Heat Stroke

While enjoying outdoor activities, it’s crucial to be aware of the signs of heat stroke in your Bernese Mountain Dog. Look for excessive panting, drooling, weakness, vomiting, or collapse. Excessive panting may be characterized by a wide, flat tongue, often referred to as “spatula tongue.” If you notice any of these signs, immediately move your dog to a cooler area, offer small amounts of water, and contact your veterinarian.

To cool them down, use cool (not cold) water to wet their body, feet, and underbelly. Cold water can constrict blood vessels and slow the cooling process. A fan can also help circulate air and cool them down faster.

Enjoy Your Summer!

With these tips, you and your Bernese Mountain Dog can have a fantastic summer while staying cool and comfortable. Remember, a little preparation and awareness go a long way in ensuring you both have a happy and healthy summer. Stay hydrated, limit outdoor exercise during peak heat, enjoy frozen treats, keep up with grooming, and be vigilant for signs of heat stroke. Here’s to a wonderful summer filled with fun and adventure!

  • A Family of Animal Lovers